Saturday, 25 April 2009

Open Email sent to To Stephen Freeman & Denis Thompson of Harrow Council

Dear Sirs

We hereby put forward our objections in regard to the proposed new controlled parking zone- Pinner Road and county roads (zone U).

The imposition of double yellow lines outside all the small businesses would only serve to drive custom away from these businesses and hence add to the destruction of  small businesses in the area. The affect would will be more acute to these businesses, as they like all the other retailers across the country are facing a recession (and possibly a depression), the likes of which, we have not experienced since the depression of the 1930's.
We have seen several shops have closed and left empty on the on the parade on the Pinner Road, between No. 184 and  No.60. Adding further burdens on the existing businesses on the parade would only serve to drive them out of business and consequently put the employees of these businesses out their jobs.

There seems to be very little objective evidence to suggest that the current parking restrictions on the parade,  pose any issue on the grounds of  road safety or congestion.
It was suggested in the initial consultation document, last autumn, that 'Pinner Road was an accident Black Spot' I have since requested specific information relating to these  accidents on Pinner Road. However, nothing has been forthcoming. The sparse information that has been provided seems to be of accidents which are  away from the area where the restrictions are being proposed and is more related to the junction where Pinner Road meets The Gardens and Pinner View.

One further point being that the causal nature of these accidents have not been provided- i.e. there is no objective information to suggest that the prime variable in the all  or majority of the accidents was due to the lack of road restrictions. 
Its akin to saying that:' All Cats have four legs and hence, every animal with four legs is a Cat!' 

The council also seems to be usurping local democracy, in the way it has disregarded the residents of Bedford and Rutland Road, where there has been an overwhelming rejection of the CPZ. 
All the  local council  representatives ( the local councillors) were assured prior to the consultation last autumn, by the Council Leader, that the imposition of the  CPZ would only proceed if there was a substantial majority in favour. Its seems the council has gone back on its word.

Yours faithfully

Shai Koria

Representing The Pinner Road Small Business Group

Thursday, 15 January 2009

The Harrow Council seem hell bent in destroying the small businesses on The Pinner Road

Having lived in Harrow for the best part of my life, apart from a brief period away when I went to university, I returned to run various businesses from Harrow. There was time when enterprise was encouraged, and small businesses flourished, which in turn created jobs and gave the working man dignity and the ability to support his/her family.

I'm dismayed at the sheer mindless vandalism, exemplified by the current council, in its attitude, towards small businesses. I have no political 'axe' to grind,  nor any  political affiliations, I'm calling it as I see it!

We have seen the near total destruction of small businesses in Wealdstone over the last 15 years plus, with the various road changes implemented by  Harrow Council. We see now places like Rayners Lane and North Harrow, become virtual deserts, where only 'Takeaway' shops exist and where traffic wardens patrol the area with all  zeal of a merchant banker, who's about to close a deal on selling a dud investment to an unwary investor.

If you listen to  councillor Susan Hall, who's in charge of environment & community safety, at Harrow Council, 'It doesn't matter -Its the way our shopping habits have changed'  ( I've paraphrased her, from my recent meeting with her).                                                                            
I would argue that- It does matter!-  Councils are elected  by the local community to ensure that community flourishes, in return the community pays local taxes to enable the council to provide services to the community. Amongst that local community are the business community, the aim of the business community is NOT to take away from the community BUT to add to that community. It is a symbiotic relationship.

Over the years councils around the country have seen a new way to generate revenue by charging its constituents for something they already pay for twice in some cases and three times if you include central government.

 This is how the wheeze it works.

(1) Its taken as read that a if you pay council tax then you pay for your home, roads and the services the council provides.

(2) The council has worked out how it can squeeze more money from a particularly section of community, the motorists and home owners, seem to be good target, as they will invariably be law abiding citizens and can be tracked down very easily- as apposed to someone who rents and perhaps doesn't tax or insure his/her vehicle.

So now they have identified a target, the only issue that remains outstanding is how do you Monetise this this resource?

(1)  Why not charge the target group  a new tax -How about the space outside their house? Where they have parked their cars for as long as they can remember.

(2) How do you sell it to the community? 
  • How about saying that they will get a better environment, the 'nasty' local shops and their patrons will no longer be able to park their vehicles on those roads (as if these local businesses were a leper colony).
  • Safety for children, no facts and figures, just state it in the consultation document. This is always a good one to use as anyone who dares to question this is immediately regarded with suspicion 
  • -CPZ  is a good wheeze for a new tax - There's  no doubt that,  THIS is a tax on home owners and businesses. And once this is imposed its unlikely to be removed. (Note- Tax in UK was suppose to be temporary measure to fund the French wars, by the then Prime minister Pitt, in 1799).
  • It also appears that the Council officials have 'Gerrymandered' the results from the recent consultation of the local community. Majority of the residents of Bedford and Rutland Road along with Oxford Road, voted against the CPZ-However, Mr Stephen Freeman,the man in charge of this project alleges that as some people were for the CZP on these road (NOTE- Not the majority)- He sees it fit and proper to impose the CZP on part of Rutland and Bedford Road, 
On that basis it can be argued that parts of your street should be governed by the Torys, parts by Labour, parts by Liberals, parts by the British National Party, parts by the Monster Raving loony party and whoever else gets a vote.  I would strongly suggest that Mr Freeman read up on how democracy is suppose to work-and  also consider  reading  up on John Stuart Mill .

Note: It was stated to our representative local councillors, that the CPZ would not proceed unless there was a clear majority. It is patently clear from the consultation returns that this is NOT the case. 

Those of you who want to look at the results of the consultation document click on this link:

Even the Chinese government would be embarrassed to claim the above result shows a CLEAR MAJORITY

Not content with this the council is also going go put double yellow lines on the Pinner Road outside the all the businesses on the Pinner Road Parade and place bollards outside every shop to prevent the respective businesses putting their vehicles outside the premises- Again siting health and safety- As yet there has been no evidence produced that this a real issue or that any accidents have been caused outside any of the premises. 

I challenge the council and its officers to provide any objective evidence which suggests that the Pinner Road is an accident 'blackspot', as they claim in their initial consultation document, and the causal nature is predominately the parking on the Pinner Road. All my requests, to date have been met with a deafening silence. 

The council also claims that some of the parking problems on the county roads is due to commuter parking, and hence, another section of our community who is cast as villians by the council (bear in mind these people contribute into our community through council tax and local expenditure).

People who commute to work may well do it for practical purpose or perhaps they want to try and be  responsible citizens by using public transport. 

The fact is that the council has done very little to help commuters with parking near the local train stations, which  means they may have to park near or on the county roads. Imposing the CPZ only displaces the problem NOT solve it. 

To some degree the council have manufactured the problem, in order to raise revenue by the CPZ Tax.

For the benefit of Susan Hall and the Council employees, here's a newsflash-

We are in a recession!

To wantonly destroy local small businesses at a time when businesses are collapsing everyday, across the country, shows a distinct lack of awareness. 

At a public meeting on 22nd January, Susan Hall was asked a simple question, which was:

'Would anybody  living in a HMO (house of multiple occupation) be able to purchase parking permits when CPZ is implemented? '- 

Her Answer was an unequivocal NO!

Today I have confirmation from that Phil Grant at the car parking department at Harrow Council (whose remit is CPZ), that everyone in a HMO will be eligible to buy a permit if they so wish.

What the above illustrates is the level contempt she holds the local residents of the area in and around the Pinner Road, that she will tell an untruth, just to have her way.

Shai Koria
resident of the Pinner Road
and Representative of the Pinner Road Small Business Group