More roads to get controlled parking
Posted by David Tilley on Mar 18, 09 04:42 PM in Local Authority
Parking measures will be imposed on the streets of Harrow's County Roads estate, Harrow Council has controversially decided.
Councillor Susan Hall (Conservative), portfolio holder for environment and community safety, provisionally signed off the plan on Thursday, March 12 despite residents earlier handing in several petitions against the idea.
The original postal consultation, held in September last year, showed that in the County Roads area 50 residents supported the idea of a controlled parking zone (CPZ) - but 89 did not, with 11 having no opinion.
The CPZ will be introduced to the whole of Devonshire Road, Dorset Road and Oxford Road, the eastern sections of Pinner Road and Sussex Road, the southern sections of Rutland Road, Bedford Road and Pinner View and part of Neptune Road.
It will mean that drivers must display a permit to be able to park their vehicle within the CPZ between 11am and 12 noon on weekdays or risk attracting a parking ticket.
Extra short-term pay-and-display parking bays will be created at the southern ends of Devonshire Road, Oxford Road, Rutland Road, Bedford Road and Pinner Road.
In addition, certain junction throughout Headstone South ward will be painted with double-yellow lines as part of the scheme.
Ms Hall was recommended to approve the plan by the council's Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel which met to consider the issue on November 26.
Traffic officers at Harrow Council will now publish the legal notices required to confirm the introduction of the CPZ and, if there are no legal objections, the measures will come into force.
Six months after implementation, further consultation will be held to see if residents support an extension of the area covered by the residents-only parking.
If the initial consultation is a sham then how can any subsequent reviews be legitimate???
Shai Koria
Representing The Pinner Road Small Business Group